Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunshyne Silverwear: An Artist's Statement

1.What has inspired you as an artist?

Well, I would have to say that the things I enjoy in this world inspire me. One if my favorite things to be doing is traveling around this country in my little blue Honda Fit going from one concert to the next. Sometimes my ideas come to me as I'm listening to the droning sound of the open road. Or maybe the beautiful shape of a tattoo or color of a flowing skirt. Also, the time i spend walking the dogs is my personal reflection time, the ideas just seem to flow.

2.What is the first thing you remember making?

Gee, my sister Amy might remember exactly how old we were, I'm thinking I was around 8. I was never really into playing with dolls, but I loved making doll houses out of anything I could find around the house. One time I made a pretty detailed doll house out of old strawberry quart containers and cardboard. The most fun was making the refrigerator open up and have food drawn inside, or window shutters that open and close. I always made dioramas for school projects whenever I could (shoe boxes!). I guess I have always 'been green' when being creative.

3. Are there artists (famous or not) that have influenced your work?

Well, Kadi taught me just about everything I know about knotting hemp, and that is what started me on my path, so I guess she has influenced me, and inspired me. Thanks Kadi, you are truly a great friend.

4. Are there people in your life that have inspired you or your artwork?

See above.

5. Is there a moment in your life when you knew you were supposed to be an artist?

I have always enjoyed making things. I don't think that there was a eureka moment or anything.

6. What materials do you like to work with? do you choose those?

I like to incorporate things that can be reused or reshaped into something creative that any normal person would probably throw out. I have always liked working with paper too, I can remember from a very early age LOVING the stationary section of any store. I don't know why, I have never been a writer. But the thing I like the most, is constantly changing my media and techniques. Keeps things fun and new for me.

7. Is there a special technique or process you use that makes your work unique?

I think my spoon necklaces are unique because they are also a really cool conversation piece, they are eco-friendly and no two are exactly the same. One of a kind, just like the people wearing them.

8. What does creating art mean to you?

Creating art is a release. It takes me away from all of the drama and stress of everyday life. Spending a few hours, by myself, doing what I want, how I want, when I want is one of the few things I need out of life.

9. Does your work have a theme to it?

A lot of my pendants have a music theme to them. Creating altered art out of old music fliers and posters. Also, they are all eco-friendly. Many aspects of making the pendants, from the spoons themselves, to techniques and materials used, to packaging and shipping all have elements of reusing and recycling.

10.What goals do you have for yourself as an artist?

My ultimate goal is to be able to live off of my art without having to have a day job. I used to believe that too much of a good thing is bad, that if I did what I love full time, I would get sick of it and loose passion for it, but I'm starting to rethink it all. It would be wonderful to be my own boss and do what makes me happy. I job that doesn't seem like work, that is the goal I have for myself as an artist.

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